Monday, July 14, 2008

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa on the Farm

What fun we had last week. At least the beginning of the week. :) It has been an adventure to say the least. Bobby went to Texas for a Crestron training for the week. So, not wanting to be home alone, I packed up the kids and we went to Grandma and Grandpa Dastrups.

My parents have been getting little baby chicks and goats and kittens, so the kids had a bast playing with and feeding them. They were outside all day every day. I didn't take pics of them with the animals. I figured I had more time than we ended up with. I did get pics of how dirty they got playing outside.

Then on Wednesday night Dallin gave me a scare by very suddenly coming down with pneumonia. I was concerned about the health of my Grandma Dastrup, so I started packing at 3:00 in the am and headed out. On the way back home, we stopped by Bobby's parents' to give Dallin a blessing and they wouldn't have me going home to deal with this sickness all by myself. So, we finished off the week at their home.

Oh, and Megan developed cellulitis from some mosquito bites she got in Sigurd too. It was a real vacation. But now we're back and Bobby is home. Yay!! Dallin is much better and so is Megan. All has ended well.


Lexie Lantz said...

Wow what an adventure... and not a very fun one at that. I'm sorry to hear it. Glad that everything is back to normal though.

Lexie Lantz said...

PS. that's how my kids look just out in our back yard while playing..

How? I ask. I never remember getting that filthy when we played!

Naomi said...

I can't believe you have FOUR kids!! My how time flies!

D'On Marx said...

That's a crazy week!! Hope everyone is feeling better.